Sunday, January 23, 2011

Losing my mind

Okay, so today I was doing my ranch work and wanting to pull my hair out!  Seriously!!!!!!  Get up to clean house, how the heck does this thing get so messy???  Its just me here!!!  Then out to the barn for my chores.  The four wheeler makes chores sooooooo much easier.  I use it to drag the paddocks to spread the manure, I use it to drag my arena, and help haul hay amongst numerous other things.  It gets used for those daily.  Except it sprung a leak yesterday, looked pinkish like transmission fluid.  So I shut her down immediately and parked her.  Great!!!!!!  That thing helps shave off hours of back breaking labor, LOL!
Today I am filling up waters and in between filling up each tank I am walking around shoveling manure since the four wheeler is broke.  UGHGHGHGH!!!  I will never take the four wheeler for granted again!!!
After hours of barn work I need to go pick up 2 round bales to put out, but wait, the trailer has a flat tire.  So I have to go get one round bale at a time, bring it back and unload it.  But wait, yet again, the tractor wont start, kind of like it isnt getting enough fuel. Who knows, I am not a mechanic.  
Unloading round bales can be kind of tricky, especially when you are alone!  I am 5ft tall and weigh in at 130.  Pushing those things alone out of the pick up truck just does not work.  So the first round bale gets unloaded pretty easy.  I just throw the truck in reverse, floor it and then slam on the brakes.  Round bale goes flying and horses go running chasing it as if they were starving.  Okay, drive to get the second one and this one is a little trickier.  Paddock is way smaller, my truck just barely fits in.  And this particular round bale is shared between two paddocks.  so i catch and tie horses, open gates, move round bale holder and attempt several times with no luck to get this round bale out.  Finally I guess I got mad enough that I slammed on the brakes just right, lol, but the round bale goes flying way away from where I need the darn thing to be.  UGHGHGHGH!  I have nothing but my truck to push the round bale where it needs to go.  I have a grill guard and I used it to my advantage today.  But still could not get the round bale exactly where I need it to be.  So I put the round bale holder over the round bale and attempt to connect a rope to the holder and drag with my truck to where I need it to be, which resulted in bending the holder in half.  Are you kidding me???????  I am sure the words coming out of my mouth at this point were not nice nor lady like.  But it did move it enough that the gate closed back to where it needed to be.  Geez Louise!!!!
On top of ranch work I train horses.  Right now I have a half friesian half quarter who is a couple pellets short of a full bag.  He is a character!  Loves to bounce off walls when you walk anywhere near him.  Kind of like a wild mustang but lacks the intelligence a mustang has. You can ride this horse for 1 hour, 2 hours 4 hours, doesnt matter.  You get off of him and he looks at you as if to say "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, AND WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!!!!"  I wonder what goes thru his head, since everyday is literally a new day to him.  I usually learn something new from every horse, but I am not sure of what I have learned or am going to learn from this one.  Pretty sure that if he were a human he would be the man version of the dumb blonde.  I am blonde so I am allowed to say this.  LOL
The other horse I have is a quarter horse mare.  She is real nice, especially after she learned that I dont take crap off of anyone, including horses.  LOL  She was a kicker when she came, with a pretty nasty little attitude.  Loves to be loved on, hates to be asked to work.  But she is a quick learner and she quickly came to realize that attitude=lots of hard work, while a good attitude=love, rest and an occasional cookie.
I decided to create this blog because of how frustrated I got today with all the stuff I had to get done, with no help and things going wrong.  kind of a place to vent my frustrations, but also brag about the good stuff that happens too.  Just write about the accounts of being a single girl on a big ol' ranch.  Might be boring stuff I dont know, but hey, it makes me feel better.  

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